2005年12月8日 星期四

wohoo! back home from my family chalet at a resort near Changi beach! the handfone connection realli cannot-make-it ah... sometimes indicate that i am in Indonesia... and sometimes in Singapore... pengs... so pardon my lag in replyin hoh! cos i haf to find a good place of connection ah! cannot stand at a certain fixed place one LOHS! haf to move ard to find a new place everytime i need to sms... anw! if anione wanna try to experience the feelin of bein-overseaz-but-still-in-singapore (erm........ -_-"') can go there lah... haha... but other than this... it's a rather nice place... beautiful yet simple... nice and clean swimming pools... good bowlin alleys... cosy... good view of the sea... quite big bathrooms... karaoke... and! close view of aeroplanes flyin in the sky! damn cool manz! entertainin to see them fly pass! sang the 'Ni3 Yao4 De Ai4' song almost everytime an aeroplane flew pass... those who did watch Liu Xing Hua Yuan (Meteor Garden) will understand why lah :P and... 'Time' cease to exist when i am there... jus follow my own pace :)

anw~ my handfone spoilt on monday! currently usin my mum's old handphone... haiz... saved my contacts in my fone instead of my sim card... so... now quite bad ah... obviously i cannot remember all the numbers! hopefully my fone will 'recover' soon! but for now... can still sms me :)

last but not least... thanks to all for the birthday presents! not tryin to be ke4 tao4 or wat~ but realli appreciate the effort for choosin & buyin the gifts!


Officially 2 days to the Final Home Concert!
As it gets nearer... i find it gettin more and more unreal...
Get wat i mean?
