wohoo... i noe my blog dieded le... hmm.. BUT i still dun feel like updatin 2dae... haha... but i'll update someday... sometime... somewhere.... stay-tuned!
2004年8月29日 星期日
2004年8月8日 星期日
我的第一場演唱會 (F4)﹐
第二場 (五月天)﹐
(覺得我感情太過豐富﹖我無所謂。因為我為我的“多愁善感”感到無比的驕傲﹗它讓我深刻地感受到許多美麗的東西 ^-^)
謝謝瑋柏﹐謝謝善為﹗ (你們真的很贊﹗我愛你們﹗)
謝謝陪我一同去看演唱會的陳如音小姐 ^-^也謝謝在場的每一個你﹐你和你﹐陪伴我度過一個很開心﹐很特別的晚上﹗
CoOlpLay cOncErt rOx BIG BIG TIME!!! ^-^
Posted by g n i y n i x at 8/08/2004 03:38:00 上午 0 comments
2004年8月2日 星期一
2004年7月30日 星期五
yOz~ added a Ufm1003 interview of mayday... ya right.... it's mayday a-g-a-i-n ^-^ haha... wat to do... i am under their "influence" mahz... *-* it may take a few secs to load~ a pretty interestin interview... around 20mins of your time... so... if u r interested OR u have nothing to do at home.. staytuned (von's nick siaz) ba~ enjoy~!!!
econs tuition at caraven 2dae ^-^ i am beginnin to enjoy tis tuition le~ ^-^ and i am beginnin to see h-o-p-e in econs~ ^-^ dats something gd ba ^-^
last but not least... I REALLY HOPE TO WIN the COOLPLAY concert tix thru the wan bao contest!!! let me win ba!!! haha ^-^
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/30/2004 11:55:00 下午 0 comments
2004年7月29日 星期四
作詞﹕阿信 作曲﹕阿信 編曲﹕五月天
我 爛命一條 走在路上 影子在地上
像 我的慌張 黏在腳下 抓著我不放
我不懂 我不是這樣 我不該這樣 額頭流下的汗 又流進眼眶
為什麼 要給我 一顆跳動的心臟 卻忘了 給我飛翔的翅膀
多麼 想要 流浪
為什麼 要給我 一顆跳動的心臟 又把我 丟在這寂寞戰場
這世界有多大我就有多彷徨 有沒有一點希望
讓我去闖 天涯海角 讓我去闖
把 我的靈魂 裝進紙箱 寄送到天堂
那 雲端的光 會不會是 希望的形狀
每一天 來了又走了 匆忙的太陽 感覺自己蒸發 慢慢從這個 世界上
(there's another hokkien version -- “永遠的永遠”)
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/29/2004 12:39:00 上午 0 comments
2004年7月22日 星期四
yoz~ quite a long time never update le~ hows life everyone? haf been studyin econs for the last few hours... abit de tiredz now...
went wild wild wet~!!! woHoo~ i find it F-U-N! i love to play with water!!! i am truly amazed by the fact dat dey can actually build something like dat on dat small plot of land haha... cOoLz~
plannin to watch brotherhood wif immy tan yesterdae... BUT WAT HAPPEN LEH? we went PS GV... bought a pair of tix... THEN.... kanna rejected by a staff from entering!!!!!!! wohoo.... we failed the NC-16 test.... she wants our IC... but we din bring lohz... then she gif us dat realli AP face... i know she has her responsibilities..... but her facial expression real AP.... hmm... so we quite wu nai... dunnoe wat to do wif the tix... blar blar blar......... blar blar blar......... ended up watchin spiderman2~ abit weirdz at first cOs it's like 'SUDDENLY' haf to watch spiderman haha... but i like it! think the effects rOx! yeapz~
o ya... i bought the mayday's Wu Yue Zhi Lian OST at Sembawang yesterdae~ there's a free quite-big poster inside! haha gladys~ i finally own a mayday poster! i like the new version of wen rou... it sets me thinkin~ ^-^ hmm... this CD not a must-buy BUT it's a good-buy~ yeapz~!
hmm... a bit de hungry now... gonna go hunt for food... haha......
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/22/2004 11:36:00 下午 0 comments
2004年7月14日 星期三
作者: chocopie (永遠的畫面 ) 看板: MayDAY
標題: 阿信的第一位歌迷
時間: Sat Jun 12 01:07:07 2004
發 表 人:Alice
1993年3月27日 星期六 中正紀念堂
走近後我心頭微微一震,哇So cute!好像有股電流擊中了我,整個人都熱了起來。
(後來知道是邦喬飛的 Born to be my baby),但那不重要,重要的是他是誰?
幫我簽名。我心想… “不敢當”!? 這不是古裝戲的台詞嗎?
他點點頭….然後將簽好名的便條紙及筆還我,上面寫著『附中吉他社 陳信宏』
在公車上,回想到剛剛的那一幕,興奮得一直在偷笑,又覺得十分丟臉,發燙的可以煎蛋了。嘻….好個不敢當…有了名字…有了社團…知道是高二的… 要向附中的同學打聽一下…應該還能再見到他吧….這就是所謂的…一見鍾情嗎…
1993年4月3日 星期六 附中校慶
不久他又開始唱歌了,他唱的歌我還是沒有聽過,不過唱到副歌時,如欣竟然會跟著唱,我趕緊問她『妳會唱喔?這是什麼歌呀?』如欣邊唱邊回答『你沒聽過嗎,這首歌很好聽,是邦喬飛的 I’ll be there for you….』我眼睛看著他的身影,耳朵聽著他的聲音,心裡想著,連如欣都知道的歌我卻聽都沒聽過…跟他好像有好遙遠的距離…,他的世界都是西洋音樂嗎?可是我只聽國語歌耶…。他獨唱完了後,又跟一些人一起合唱「Everything I do(I do it for you)」總算有一首我聽過的歌了,這部電影我有看過。唱完後他走下台到右手邊的角落找水喝,我拉著如欣穿過人群走到他背後不遠的地方看著他,他大口灌完礦泉水後,用左肩的袖子擦了擦滿頭的汗,又把黑色T恤的袖子捲了捲,然後手叉著腰看著台上的表演。我忍不住又想接近他跟他說話了,想不出用什麼開場白,想起上次找他簽過名,再找他簽一次好了,這樣一來他可能會對我印象比較深刻吧!
1993年8月26日 星期六 南陽街數學補習班
「叮!」電梯到了…他和幾位同學一起走出去,我小心的跟在後面,心中還在掙扎要不要去找他說話,要如何開口…忽然,他們轉彎了,往和我平常回家相反的方向走去,我開始急了,還要跟嗎,再跟下去會不會走到了我不認得路的地方?所以我深呼吸之後,大叫他的名字『陳信宏!陳信宏!…』他聽到了…停了下來轉過身,然後我小跑步的走到他面前…我應該說話有結巴加抖音吧…『你…還記得我嗎…你來補習嗎…』『喔…跟同學來旁聽看看…』『那…你們要回家了喔…』『嗯…要去吃東西…』『你…留級了喔?…』(我竟然白痴的這樣直接問他!)『ㄜ…對(尷尬的笑著點點頭)…』忽然我想起昨天寄出的”白痴丟臉告白信”…『嗯…我昨天有寫信給你….你收到了嗎』『對不起…我不常回家…我住外面…所以還沒看到』(我心想太好了…目前的他還沒看到那封信…我暫時還沒有毀了形象…)『你…可以再幫我簽一次名嗎….』我又翻出了我的紙筆(我好像只會這一招,一直叫人家簽名) 『又要簽名阿…好…』
肆、嗨 展信愉快
1993年11月29日 我家
終於,在等了90多天之後的一天傍晚,我放學回到家,在那 “一日看三回”的信箱裡,發現了一封信,是一封白色的標準信封,我用微微顫抖的手拿起那封信一看「啊!」我不禁大聲尖叫了一聲!收信人是我,寄信地址就是我背得滾瓜爛熟的”北投區xx路”!我興奮的衝回房間,書包往床上一扔,急忙找出剪刀,小心翼翼的剪開信封,輕輕的翻開,瞪大了雙眼,稟住呼吸,開始閱讀他用“32行活頁紙”寫給我的第一封回信…
Bon Jovi、Mr.Big、Dep Lappard、東方等
Never say goodbye、I’ll be there for you、
Have you ever need someone so badly等…。
祝 順利 愉快
友 陳信宏 82.11.23 』
看完他的信,我歸納出以下感想: (一) 他一共說了2次請、1次感謝、3次希望、1次致歉、2次抱歉、2次對不起…,真是個 有禮貌的小孩! (二) 他竟然回信了!他竟然肯回信,沒有被我露骨噁心的言詞嚇昏,沒有認為我是一個 …一個…花痴….竟然肯理我,真是個善良的人! (三) 他好熱心的介紹我一些西洋音樂,是因為想拉近我們的距離嗎?.….哈哈..想太多 ! (四) 他答應我將來有機會再讓我聽他唱歌,許多年之後,他實現了他的話,只是沒想到 是用這種方式(發行專輯)來讓我聽到他的"敝作",而且是讓全亞洲很多人一起聽到! 之後斷斷續續,從1993到1996年末的3年間,陳信宏總共回了我8封信或卡片,從他回信中 ,我發現一些特點: (一) 每一次回信時間都是3個月以上到半年。 (會不會太久了點,不過我每次都不生氣!而且收到他的回信,可以興奮三個月!) (二) 每一次都是用「限時專送」12元的郵票。 (都已經晚3個月了,限時提早一天寄到有差嗎?可是收到時就會覺得他很有誠意!) (三) 每一次的開頭都是『嗨.展信愉快』或是『嗨』。 (就是不寫我的名字…害羞嗎?) (四) 從他親手畫的生日卡片及信末畫的小插圖看得出,他果然很有美術天份。 (五) 他的簽名在1995年之後改簽「阿信」。 以前的國文課本中,好像有一課叫『父親的十六封信』,而我有『阿信的八封信』。信中 大部分的內容都是在互相打氣,互相鼓勵,說說近況,聊聊興趣,互相祝福…,再平凡不過 的言語,卻給我帶來最大的力量,陪我度過壓力頗大的高中生涯。我們從沒有正面的談到"敏 感"的問題,雖然我一直"明顯"的透露出對他的欣賞!而他總是以不多不少、剛剛好的關懷 ,讓我知道他當我是朋友,而且很高興和我成為朋友。 阿信在最後一封信中寫到『願我們的友情一如金色的海岸線,分享無法言喻的美好。』我 想,海岸線是沒有終點的…
1994年 7月 師大附中
還記得第一次要走進附中找他時,很害怕管理校門口的警衛會叫住我,問我要做什麼,很緊張,一直在心底告訴自己,我就假裝自己是個穿便服的附中學生就好了,附中也有女生呀,然後心虛的快速通過,想不到警衛連看都沒看我一眼,一切都是自己心裡有鬼吧。我躡手躡腳地一間間找著他的班級…,啊終於找到了,又輕輕的走回樓梯間,安靜地等他下課,不知道他有在嗎?我心神不寧的一會兒看看手錶,一會兒去洗個手,照照鏡子,撥撥頭髮,心想待會兒他看到我會不會嚇一跳,他的同學都會看到耶,好丟臉喔,要跟他說什麼呢,我只是想來看看他而已…。下課了,教室裡開始有動靜了,我便走向他們教室,向窗邊的同學問『請問…陳信宏在嗎?』我真的好緊張好緊張,本來想好的一堆台詞,一見到他就什麼都忘了!他很客氣的跟我打完招呼後,我先寒喧幾句,『你下課啦』『是呀』…,然後鼓起勇氣問他…『你等一下有空嗎…』,我只是想找他吃個飯,他說『今天剛好有事,同學約我去XXXX….』,我說『喔,這樣啊…那改天…』.然後,就陷入一片冷冷冷!沉默了一會,我只好很無奈的跟他說『那…再見,下次再來看你…. 』。我心中也是有千百個不願意!但是呆立在窗邊的2個人,又沒話說,又有一堆同學在看,怪尷尬的,不得已只好離開了呀。
其實,有見到他還算運氣好,有時晚了一步,他已經不在教室,也不曉得是去吃飯還是去哪裡,我就會在附中校園或附近亂逛,看會不會遇到他。有時逛半天遇不到,我就會去附中對面吃“BURGER KING”,吹吹冷氣休息一下(要知道,當時可是大熱天的暑假的中午,我早已滿頭大汗且肚子咕嚕咕嚕叫了!)記得,每次我都會點洋蔥圈來吃,那年夏天,我不知吃過幾次的洋蔥圈,所以直到現在,只要吃到漢堡王的洋蔥圈,都會想起那個…獨自吃著洋蔥圈的夏天…
1994年 7月 師大附中
1994年 7月 西門町
1994年7月28日 海霸王餐廳.某家KTV
歡樂的時光總是過得特別快,終於要曲終人散了,在離開包廂的走廊上,他拿出了一包東西給我,祝我生日快樂,我有點驚訝,並不曉得他還有準備禮物。打開看,是一張他親手畫的卡片及一盒有星座圖案的彩色鉛筆!卡片是用畫素描常用的那種白色有些厚度的紙,裁成一般卡片大小,上面用黑色簽字筆畫了一堆可愛的卡通圖案,有老鼠.有小狗.有水果.有蔬菜.有小丑.有怪物…圍繞著「HAPPY BIRTHDAY」…畫得滿滿的一張,卡片裡面則畫了一個蛋糕,寫著「生日快樂!祝你這一歲的每一天、都有一個好的開始、一個好的心情! 友 陳信宏」
也不知道是為什麼,自從遇見他的那天開始,我對他的感覺,就像是在”迷戀一個偶像” ,可能是他真的太優秀了吧,反正就是和以往暗戀其他男生的感覺完全不一樣!和他說話時 ,腦筋會變笨、動作會遲鈍、心跳會加速、會不停偷笑、會不停的談論著他、到處宣傳他的 好,他的一舉一動都令我著迷,所有和他的接觸,都感覺像上天的”恩賜”!也因此,我一 直覺得我們之間有著好遙遠的距離,越喜歡他,越覺得自己不可能和他有”結果”…雖然有 這樣的自知之明,可是可是…當我收到”大學放榜通知單時”,我還是好想哭喔!我們之間 的距離已經很遙遠了,如果再加上”實際”的距離,那豈不是幾乎會斷了線嗎!…我考到了 一所台中的大學,就要離開”有陳信宏的台北了”!嗚~嗚~(心底隱約傳來老媽的聲音:妳 這個不孝女…只想到陳信宏…就沒想到要離開父母嗎?…哈…慚愧…) 但是,真的真的,最最捨不得的就是他呀!好不容易跟他有些”進展”(其實根本八字都 還沒一撇!),我們就要分隔兩地了,一想到這,就會把”錄取國立大學要當大學生了”的 喜悅都趕跑了。唉…沒辦法,只能好好把握這最後能相處的機會,希望留下”夠多”的回憶 ,好讓我帶去台中慢慢回味!所以,我大膽的提出了一個”得寸進尺”的要求…『嗯…你能 不能來我家玩呀…』,我繼續說『因為我9月10日就要下台中去新生報到了呀…以後可能就很 難有機會能見面了…所以…你來我家玩好不好…就當作是…最後一夜….啊說錯了啦….是 最後的溫柔…啊又說錯了啦…是讓我能好好看夠你…』哈!以上是心裡的OS啦!故意嚇你們 的!其實我真正說出口的,只有說到『我9月10日就要去台中新生報到了…』,然後他應該就 明白了,所以他又”善良”的笑著說『好…』。哈,他真的答應了! 到底來我家有啥好玩的呢?嗯,我爸有買卡拉OK呀,還有裝錄音機呀…嘿嘿嘿,沒錯,我 要把他的歌聲錄下來,帶去台中聽!當天家裡當然還是有竹君、如欣等人一起陪我,不過我 已經忘了當天是如何把我爸媽支開的了…嘻! 他也許是天生當明星的料吧,剛該始很害羞、很謙虛,一拿到麥克風又唱得很賣力,唱不 好還會要求從來一次!他先和如欣”對唱”了一首「傷心酒店」(為什麼我會將如此難得的 機會讓給如欣呢?只怪當時的我實在是太害羞了…現在想想好後悔喔!)這是我第一次聽到 他唱台語歌呢…那獨特又極富感情的嗓音,讓我們驚為天人!然後他又唱了一首「用心良苦 」,唱到最後副歌升KEY時,他特有的”破音”又出現了,哈,但仍是一個好聽! 也不曉得阿信是因為我快要「走」了,所以對我的要求特別大方,還是他骨子裡就有”愛 現”的本性,叫他自彈自唱給我們聽,他也沒有拒絕,我二話不說,把我姐的吉他拿來塞給 他,他還幫我姐先把音調準一點…我又叫老弟把優客李林、周華健、張信哲…等專輯的歌詞 本通通拿來。接著,他就接受我們的點歌,陸續自彈自唱了三首:「不知所措」、「其實不 想走」、「別怕我傷心」…我們幾個聽得如痴如醉、崇拜不已!我一邊忙著錄音一邊強忍心 中的悸動,感動得不敢相信這是真的…陳信宏在唱歌給我聽耶!最後我又要求他唱一首我最 喜歡的英文歌「I’ll be there for you」,他也笑著點點頭了…。然後,就在他溫柔動人 的歌聲中,我錄下了「陳信宏個人第一捲專輯」! 這捲錄音帶…是阿信送給我最珍貴的禮物…陪我度過無數個…在異鄉…想念他的夜晚…
(故事寫到這裡…要告一段落了…你們發現了嗎…『1994年9月9日 第玖篇 傷心酒店』…取 其999999之含義…希望我們最愛的五月天能一直陪伴我們到久久久久久久!)
(Alice 後記)
雖然說,我沒有“正面”的問過陳信宏“敏感的話題”,但是,我有“側面”的請竹君、 如欣去幫我問問他的“心意”… 當天,我求竹君跟如欣去附中問他,而我“膽小”的在躲家裡等候問到的結果。我在家中分秒坐立難安,終於,電話響了…其實,我心裡早就已經大概知道他的想法,從他對我“客客氣氣”的態度,我想我知道答案,可是當我聽完竹君的轉述,我還是難過的當場留下淚來 『他說…大家都是好朋友…』,竹君關心的問『妳…還好吧…不可以哭喔….』,我強忍著聲 音不要被聽出來『嗯…沒事啦…我早就猜到了…嗯….謝謝…』,然後,我狂哭了一下午… 一晚上…。 我就只問過這麼一次,從此不敢再開口,受過傷的心特別怕痛吧!於是,當我到台中生活 之後,有對我好的人出現時,面對「遙不可及的夢想」和「伸手可得的幸福」,我想,大多 數聰明的人,都會跟我有同樣的選擇。
學過物理的人應該知道什麼叫「能量不滅定律」,例如:「動能」永遠不會消失,不是轉 化成「位能」就是轉化成「熱能」。而「愛」也是一種能量,如果沒有轉換成「恨」,就是 會昇華…昇華成「友誼」,或是像我一樣,昇華為「信仰」。我根本無法恨他呀,他對我很 好,對我的要求都很大方,對我的用心我都能感覺到,他只是不愛我…但除此之外,他把我 當成好朋友的誠意根本沒話說。所以,我把對他的感情昇華為”信仰上帝”一般…「他能給 我帶來力量,卻永遠不會是能在身邊照顧我的人」。而這兩種角色,是完全不衝突、也無法 互相取代的! 看過電影「時光機器」嗎?男主角永遠改變不了他女朋友會死的命運,因為就是他女朋友 的死,他才發明出時光機器的,「女朋友的死」是「前因」,「發明時光機器」是「結果」 ,結果是永遠無法改變原因的;而同樣的,是因為當時我認識了陳信宏(前因),才會有現在 這樣「樂觀、有自信、熱愛唱歌、熱愛生命」我(結果)!喜歡這樣的我的人,只能接受全部的我。是不可能改變“阿信是我記憶中、生命中的一部份”的事實的!…我承認,我現在還是十分“欣賞”阿信,但是我知道,這不會影響我對我身邊的人的愛!而我很幸運的,遇到一位明理善良的”真命天子”! 我想,只要你對身邊的人是真的關心,不要因為偶像而忽略了他的感受,他是不應該對「 上帝」吃醋的…他只是個信仰而已…
------------------ The End -------------------------
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/14/2004 11:30:00 下午 0 comments
2004年7月12日 星期一
Jokes Time!!!
One day an evil witch took over the forest,
''One-by-one, all of you useless animals have to come up here
and tell a joke... if everybody laughs, you will be spared... or else I'll cut off your head!''
The monkey went up first and told such a funny joke that all the
animals laughed except for a tortoise.. so the witch cut off his head.
Next, a giraffe went up and she, in turn told a joke that set
all the animals off laughing... but still, the tortoise did not
laugh... so the witch cut off her head.
Then, the rabbit went up... but before she could say a word, the
tortoise started laughing....
''Why are you laughing you stupid tortoise?'' the witch asked.
''The monkey's joke was very funny!'' was the reply.....
One day, Mr. Caterpillar decided to hitch a ride to town. As he
was standin by the roadside, a family of bees came by in a little
car and offered him a ride.
Gratefully, he accepted. After putting along merrily for a few
kilometers,the engine sputtered and the car rolled to a halt. Without saying a word, Papa Bee alighted and urinated into the fuel intake. When he turned the starter, the engine started up much to MrCaterpillar's amazement!
However, he did not say a word. The car went on for quite some
distance before e engine died again. This time, it was Mother Bee who urinated into e fuel intake, and again, the car started up after that.
The process was then repeated again for Baby Bee.
By the time the engine died for the fourth time, the little car
was only a few kilometers from town. Not wanting to appear unsophisticated, Mr Caterpillar got out of the car without a word, and started opening the fuel cap.
In a flash, Papa Bee got out of the car. "What are you doing?"
asked Papa Bee.
"I'm going to piss in the fuel intake, just like you did", said
Mr Caterpillar.
"Oh, no", said Papa Bee patiently, "that won't do. This car only
runs on Bee Pee (BP)."
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/12/2004 11:45:00 下午 0 comments
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/12/2004 12:59:00 上午 0 comments
2004年7月8日 星期四
oh manz... rainy day... i feel veri l a z y now... haha... feel like combinin my body wif the sofa or my bed again... =P i am re-readin hong lou meng for the past few days... my understandin of it is like 100 times more than when i BRAVELY go for A's~ then.. copin well wif econs for the time being... my slowest progress is maths... ANIWAE i hope i can go faster for everything... my speed is badz...
anw haf a farni dream yesterdae... dreamt of alynna.. PR... vOn... lUm... pOk... lOo... myself yesterdae! haha it's our first day of school at a new sch... then the sch's policy quite weirdz.... we can choose what class we want to be in... and as long as we queue up 2gether.. we will be in the same class~ so obviously we queue 2gether EXCEPT for lUm and vOn lohz~ hahaha dey queue elsewhere lohz!! we chAtz and chAtz... then... vOn n lUm came to take something... then... we psycho them to queue 2gether and we are 2gether hahaha yupz dats the dreamz.... got another dream oso quite weirdz but i lazy to say le haha...
btw i borrowed some euro countries travel magazines frm the library~ ahha suddenly interested lohz.... when i look at the pictures i feel a sense of thrill manz~ how nice will it be if i am there now wOhoo! i wanna fly there~ i wanna stay there for a few mths~! i wanna go there and slack my time away! i wanna enjoy the air there! i wanna sit on their trains and watch the change of scenery and pple frm place to place~! BUT......... no money lehz... haha.... sadcase..... BUT... my dream will cum true someday... bcos... i believe in it!!! ^-^
take care everyOne~
p.s. gladys goin taiwan on sunday! shuang lohz~ haha enjoy urself k??? take carez~!!!!!!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/08/2004 12:23:00 下午 0 comments
2004年7月5日 星期一
portugal lost.... after 8 hrs... i still feel sadz by their lost.... ronaldo tears is so heart breakin lohz..... i noe dey are not dat gd yesterdae... and i admit dat greece defence & team spirit rox lohz.... but i jus feel weird... abit de unbalanced... dunnoe wats up wif me....
anw i am feelin real blue now lohz... and of cos it's not all bcos of the match lah.... jus thinkin bout the futurez.... yeapz...
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/05/2004 11:24:00 下午 0 comments
2004年7月4日 星期日
hey manz pple~ if you are boredz at home... go play this mayday memory game~!!! Save it in your com ba~ it dun take much space~
rather challenging~!!! there are 5 stages to the game... so far i haf reach stage 5 ONLY ONCE and i cannot complete stage 5 at all.... it jus get more and more confusin... leadin to BRAIN DEAD.... haha...
if anione can complete the 5 stages... remember to inform me hoh... =P
WARNING: You must be real patient AND you must haf great DETERMINATION.....
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/04/2004 12:43:00 下午 0 comments
2004年7月2日 星期五
yOz manz~ the s-e-v-e-n of us!!! ahha wats up wif my face??!!??? wuahhahahaha think is leg muscle pain~ =P
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/02/2004 02:00:00 上午 0 comments
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/02/2004 01:54:00 上午 0 comments
2004年7月1日 星期四
wohOo~ woke up at near noon 2dae~ haha... watched Portugal VS Netherlands till 4.30am.... pretty gd match... BUT Holland defence quite weak i think...
anw i support pOrtUgaL!!! (despite the fact dat dey are the ones who kicked england out of euro~) think dey are realli good... their goals are swift and beautiful~! i was real amazed by Figo... wohoo.... wonderful.... i like ronaldo oso... heehee....
yeapz... so the match ended wif a score of portugal 2 Netherlands 1 (it's a own goal somemore lohz... haha)
2dae Czech Republic VS Greece... think i will watch again~! i want Czech to win cos i will like to see Portugal playin against Czech haha yeapzz~!
WoHoo~ EurO rOx~!!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/01/2004 01:35:00 下午 0 comments
gonna watch Portugal VS Holland match later.... haha now tryin to surf net so as to distract myself frm sleepinzzzzzzzzzz......
Posted by g n i y n i x at 7/01/2004 01:18:00 上午 0 comments
2004年6月27日 星期日
yeahz... it's 1.37am now... dun haf the urge to sleep yet =P nuthin much to update actualli... jus wanna comment on the two movies i watched recently... i watched Windstruck (Ye Man Shi Jie)on friday... i'll rate it a 3.78/5 movie... think it's realli quite good... farnie... touchin... earnin my laughter and tears... i think the director mixed the different genres quite well leh... n i think the leadin actor and actress haf chemistry oso leh haha.... yeapz... i heard bad comments frm the media bout the show... but i still insist on watchin... maybe bcos i trust the sassy ger director? =P for those of you hu haf watched it... i wanna say dat i am touched by the piano keys part... where the male lead painted the black keys white... =P i oso like the scene whereby all the paper windmills turn... =P the endin is illogical BUT i accepted it and i like lehz... i guess there's no need to be too logical ritez? haha it's jus a movie for pple to relax lohz =P SO my conclusion is.. it's a pretty good choice!!! yeahZ!!!
then... watched The Best Bet yesterdae at Junction 8 wif my biao mei... hmmm... i wun rate the movie.... but i think it's quite oKaY ^-^ (although i was irritated by the veri frequent 拜六禮拜﹐會不會開commercials on MRTs.... the TV... the radio...) it's a veri personalised singaporean movie.... i like the fact dat dey used alot of dialects.... quite entertainin.... the actors n actresses performed well... rather natural~ SO my conclusion is... it's a "no-harm watchin" movie =P
later got euro match... but i m not realli interested.... most probably i wun watch later.... btw i was shocked by the fact dat france lost to greece... my dad was pretty impressed by greece skills and fighting spirit.... hmmm... me no comments lah........................ ENGLAND ROX! hahaha.... ardent fan siaz...
btw my mum quite 欣賞 Wilber lehz... haha... was quite stunned when she told me dat he's quite gd..... YUPZ HE'S GOOD! but my mum seldom 欣賞年輕一代的歌手的... haha watever~
oKay i gOnna go sleepz le!!!!
It's gonna be a wonderful sunday!!!!! taKe caRe my fRieNds!!!!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 6/27/2004 01:36:00 上午 0 comments
2004年6月25日 星期五
現在是11點10分。。。剛起床。。。看Euro-England VS Portugal的比賽﹐看到凌晨5點半。也不知道為什麼﹐一起床﹐就有bloggin的衝動。
第一粒球﹐由Beckham操刀。結果﹖他MISS了。(在他踢那粒球之前﹐我就有預感說他可能踢不進﹐因為在我印象中﹐他好像常常踢不進點球。可能是captain的壓力太大﹐可能是不擅長踢點球﹐總之﹐他踢沖天炮時﹐我沒有太大的驚訝﹐只是覺得﹐What a way to start the first ball...)
Thursday, June 24, 2004
We're devastated: Lampard
England midfielder Frank Lampard said Sven Goran Eriksson's players were 'devastated' after Portugal ended their Euro 2004 dreams with a dramatic 6-5 penalty shootout victory in a pulsating quarter-final.
Lampard said it would take 'a long time' for the players to get over the setback after the host nation took full advantage of shootout misses by David Beckham and Darius Vassell.
Portugal keeper Alexandre Ricardo stepped up to score the decisive kick, and Chelsea midfielder Lampard admitted: 'The dressing room is devastated. Everyone is so quiet. To go out on penalties is the biggest kick in the teeth you can have in football.
'We have worked very hard to get here, and we felt we could go all the way in this tournament.
'We don't want to go on holiday now. We wanted to stay here for the rest of the tournament - and now we are not here.'
Lampard was convinced that Sol Campbell's seemingly legitimate 90th minute goal, ruled out by the referee, should have stood.
Chelsea defender John Terry was adjudged to have fouled Ricardo as Campbell nodded the ball home, but Lampard said: 'I could see that John had hardly touched their keeper, and I think the linesman was running back to the halfway line to give the goal.
'But the referee had decided not to give it when there was nothing wrong. That makes it even worse for all of the lads.'
Striker Michael Owen, who gave England an early lead, added: 'It's a big disappointment - and it always seems to happen to us.
'Tournaments come along every two years, so you can't expect to win everything. But going out on penalties again is a bitter blow, although they put theirs away really well.'
The striker also said he could see nothing wrong with Campbell's 'goal', and drew comparisons with the 1998 World Cup, when the same player had what looked like a late winner controversially ruled out against Argentina.
'It was the same then - he scored a perfectly good goal,' Owen said. 'I should have scored with a header before, to be honest, but I got a nudge and the ball clipped off my shoulder. I couldn't see anything wrong with the goal.'
During the shootout, several players trod down what seemed to be a disintegrating penalty spot, and Owen explained: 'The pitch is sand-based, and we trained there yesterday.
'We took penalties, and the way a lot of people take penalties puts a lot of pressure on the standing foot. It gave way at the other end yesterday in the practice.'
Posted by g n i y n i x at 6/25/2004 11:05:00 上午 0 comments
2004年6月22日 星期二
(extract from mayday 613 concert in shanghai)
Posted by g n i y n i x at 6/22/2004 10:48:00 下午 0 comments
2004年6月8日 星期二
CHERISH YOUR DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =p
Posted by g n i y n i x at 6/08/2004 11:36:00 下午 0 comments
2004年6月4日 星期五
Posted by g n i y n i x at 6/04/2004 11:54:00 下午 0 comments
2004年6月2日 星期三
yeahz pple~ it's veSak dAy! no work 2dae! cheers! haha... but no activity 2dae lah... never go temple to pray & to eat zhai.. jus stay at home and rOt!!! hahaha rottin rOx BIGTIME! btw quite disappointed dat there's nuthin much on tv... wanna watch wan quan yu le actualli BUT was quite pengz to realise dat there's no wan quan yu le 2dae so i ended up watchin my brother's NEW la bi xiao xin serial hahaha pretty entertaining~!!!
btw i gonna end my maybank work on 19 jUne~ so it's like 'bout 2 weeks plus more! will i miss the days there? mAybe! =)
ani1 wif eyes shld haf notice dat i haf finally change my blogskin~ and the credit goes to..... ..... .... (drUms).... eUnice QueK~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (penGz -_-") thAnkS! ^-^
oKay lah! i shall end here! nuthin much to update oSo! take caRe everyOne!!!!!
p.s. gladys & shuwen, ani plans for sheuying's bdae? =)
Posted by g n i y n i x at 6/02/2004 03:04:00 下午 0 comments
2004年5月30日 星期日
Posted by g n i y n i x at 5/30/2004 06:17:00 下午 0 comments
2004年5月9日 星期日
逃走 翻過圍牆 我只能逃走 從教師裡頭
奔向自由 熟悉角落 有人在等我 有挑舋的笑容
今天誰先開球 讓誰嚐點苦頭
綠色地平線上 我撞著 彩色墮落
也許我這一杆 又沒辦法進球
就像我的生活 一直在出差錯
也許我這一生 始終在追逐那顆九號球
卻忘了 是誰在愛我
卻忘了 是誰在罩著我
從前 書包很滿 裝不下的夢 就丟了一些
未來我們 要怎麼活 凝視著白球
天空漸漸變紅 影子爬滿球桌
輸贏沒有結果 像人生 難以捉摸
也許我這一杆 又沒辦法進球
就像我的生活 一直在出差錯
也許我這一生 始終在追逐那顆九號球
卻忘了 是誰在愛我
卻忘了 是誰在罩著我
Posted by g n i y n i x at 5/09/2004 11:58:00 下午 0 comments
lake odyssey not badz.... there's a weird feelin in my heart when i listen to the sch song bein played... i remembered the tune and the words... i was touched.... it's like... it haf been a long time since i last sang/listen to the chung cheng sch song..... i still love the sch.... and i am glad dat i was part of the sch... i am proud of the sch..... yeapz.... whenever i thought of the sch... the beautiful memories came back... my drama memories.... my friendship memories.... the performance was gd.... and somehow i m glad dat the chung cheng culture is not lost... =)
p.s. haha gladys shuwen lOo... our seats realli TOP seats ah hahaahahahahhahaa.......
went to the tJ lu yuan 2dae.... was gOod oso~ once again i am proud of my juniors... dey did a gd jOb~ saw a lot of familiar faces there... saw a lot of chung cheng drama juniors there oSo... feel happy to be able to click and talk as happily as last time wif my last yr dao ju grp pple =) the feelin is warming.. yeapz =)
ahaha i gonna go check out webby if wu yue tian got win ani award in the taiwan music awards..... =P
DEY WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mAyDay rOxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 5/09/2004 12:39:00 上午 0 comments
2004年5月1日 星期六
tryin to motivate myself to study everything again..... how i wish i can heng heng get into uni..... haiz........ i wanna say dat i m not pessimistic now... jus SIANZ to a CERTAIN extent.... imagine... study everything AGAIN!?! yeapz..... but... I AM NOT ALONE =P hey yOz PR & shifu must work hard! then PR, still feelin stunned & lost bout not workin? JIA YOU le~ wish you get into the momentum of studyin soOn =P then lOo... u dun worry too much okay? around two yrs ago... u told me dat 'there's definitely a path for everyone'.... i blieve in wat u say... so... blieve in urself oso =) then hUi ah... watcha doing now? haha... hows preparation for the chinese exam? if u need help, just shout for help hoh!! wuahahhaa... aniwae i quite long time nv see lUm and pOk le... pOk ah whenever i am at marina sq... i will pretend to pass by Brekz hahaha but alwaes nv see you leh! hahahaha sadcase! =P
aniwae... it's LABOUR DAY 2dae!!!! and do u noe wat it means? it's........ the FIRST day May! heehee.... i like the month of May.... COS.......... i like mayday wu yue tian mah!!! haha..... now i noe why i am workin at MAYbank...... hehehe...........
Posted by g n i y n i x at 5/01/2004 10:12:00 上午 0 comments
2004年4月26日 星期一
lalalaa my last entry was like about 2 wks ago... haha.... must update abit le... hmmm.... haf been workin and workin and workin AND workin.... ahha... sounds like a workaholic? BUT i am CONFIRM NOT.... hahaa.... aniwae wrk quite bz in a way cOs there's alwaes stuffs to do.... sAme BUT different stuffs.. hahaaa dunno how to xplain... yupz and my mood at work is usually quite happy~ cRappin and cRappin.. LaminG and LamInG~ hahaa sUaNin and SuAnin... 'aRgUe' and 'ArgUe'... 'fightIn' and FiGhtin'... O YA not forgettin EATING AND EATING... we almost alwaes haf snacks on our table... even if we dun haf... ahhaha the pple there will offer us food~ (so here i am gettin fatter and fatter.... sadcase....) wauhahahaa... wat a life! hahaaa quite gd at wrk BUT sometimes i will miss the times i slack at home without a jOb~ =P (o ya... i 4got to mention dat there's alwaes fm933 'playin' from my dear mini radio ahhaa....) hmm..... do i sound like a slacker at WORK?????????? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!! i am not!!!!! I AM JUST enjoying and workin at the same time oKaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yawnzzzzzzz............... it's 10.30pm now........... and i am tiredzzzzzz........ (ACTUALLI i am not tired lah... wauhahahahaa..... it's jus a way to end tis blog entry.... haha...... =P) i wAnna go sLeepZ le.... (as if....... i gonna go watch VCD lohz..... wuahahhahaaa) yawnz...... so take gd care pple!!!!!!!!!!!! G D N I T E Z ! ! !
Posted by g n i y n i x at 4/26/2004 10:27:00 下午 0 comments
2004年4月13日 星期二
昨天去了五月天的簽名會﹗﹗﹗ 哈哈哈﹗近距離接觸喔。。。 哈哈。。。有握手喔。。。有眼神的交會喔。。。哈哈。。。阿信帥喔。。。。怪獸也不賴。。。五個人都不錯。。。他們都好誠懇喔。。。阿信還是雙手緊握的那種。。。 哈哈。。。。哈哈。。。。。。哈哈。。。。。。。。爽喔。。。。 哈哈。。。。。。(容許我發花痴吧﹗﹗﹗﹗) 簽名會結束後﹐還跑去大廈後門等他們出來。。。。cLoSe vieW siaz........ 而他們在小巴上﹐也向歌迷們揮手道別。。。。。
相當珍惜這樣的一天。。。。 畢竟﹐一生中能有幾次呢﹖
ANIWAE.... 不洗手還真是一件不容易的事喔﹗所以。。。。。。 我有洗手啦﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗
Posted by g n i y n i x at 4/13/2004 11:09:00 下午 0 comments
2004年4月5日 星期一
yeahz... went back to din tai fung yesterdae wif hui... loo... PR.. shifu... i was a little little little bit stun when i noe dat we'll be sittin at my section... but somehow i dcide to face it! when i reach din tai fung i dcide to da da fang fang say "Hi! ni men hai ji de wo ma?"dey were rather shock to see me and i feel real happy to be able to see them again! i tok to them for a little little while...... i din feel kan ga at all (i thought i will)... in fact i was really happy to be back~!! i feel comfortable there... i was real glad to be back! INDEED i once mentioned dat i dun like my work there.... but for those of u hu cld remember.... i did mentioned dat i like the pple there! aniwae, b4 we order our food... Xiao Bao (one of my goody ex 'shifu') bring me a very nice lookin 'xiao cai' (appetizer) to my table.... hmm... i was abit stun... i said "we din order this" then i look at him... haha he gif me the weird weird look.... then i get his point... haha the xiao cai is on-the-house..... but mus keep quiet lah..... haha yeapz.... i was somehow touch by tis... yeapz.... aniwae.... b4 we left... i said 'Bye!' to them... then dey ask me how am i.... i told them dat i am workin at maybank... then dey ask me "hows ur backbone? feelin better?" (cos i used my backbone problem as an xcuse to quit.....) i felt guilty at dat moment.... but i m touched too... cos dey remember me... yeapz.... then Xiao Bao said "Bye! Xiao Ying!" (cos my name at din tai fung is 'xiao ying' OR 'xiao mei4' haha) i was touched again..... yeapz....
but after dat... i was sadz... i wun elaborate too much..... but i feel sadz bcos somehow.. i feel dat din tai fung is different le..... the pple there dun look enthusiatic animore... dey look tired.... dey look sianz..... dey used to haf a bright smile on their face... dey used to welcome every customers wif the most welcoming tone! but i din see all dat yesterday..... yeapz.... i realli think dat something haf happen... leadin to the so called 'low morale'...... i duunoe... but i really wish to see the din tai fung i used to see again...... yeapz.... sadz..... i m happy to be back bcos the knot in my heart is no longer there..... but i am sadz to be back.... bcos like wat lOo haf said... din tai fung haf somehow lose its culture.......... hope dats not true..... i will be back again to prove myself wrong......... yeapz....
aniwae... went to Party World ktv after dat.. haha somehow it look like a nightclub style ktv to me wuahahahahahahaa..... then on my way home.... i realised dat my wallet was missing! pengz..... cannot find..... cum on loh... it's the crowded orchard rd loh.... i was feelin dazed & blurz.... (oni those hu haf lost their wallets b4 can understand....) no money to go hm hahaa.... so borrowed money frm lOo to buy a new eZlink card.... BUT there's nuthin much in the wallet wuahahahaa..... no money!!! COS I SPEND ALL MY MONEY!!! (btw PR luckily i returned u the 2 dollars for the cake OR ELSE i will haf lost 2 bucks hahaha) NO IC! cos i took it out jus recently! (at 1st i thought my IC was inside hahaaa.... but suddenly remembered dat it was not.... ahha heng ah....) my posb.. ezlink card... library card was inside... but i cancelled and blocked everything le heehee..... so din lose much actually... my wallet abit spoilt also hahahaha..... BUT i lOST a doreamon pouch!!!!!! i like it so much......... sadz......................
my mood was quite gd 2dae~ haha no monday blues... was happy at work... time passes really fast.. b4 i knew it... IT WAS END OF DAY! WOW!!!! hahaha how i wish everyday is like dat! aniwae wanna concentrate on watchin Xi Jie last episode now haha so END OF ENTRY! take care pPle!!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 4/05/2004 11:46:00 下午 0 comments
2004年4月4日 星期日
woHoo 2molo goin to din tai fung to eat... yummy... somehow.. i realli miss the food there..... it's definitely much much better than its so-called "rival" Fei Cui.... ahahha..... but SERIOUSLY.... i feel abit kan ga going back.... i used to work there mahz.... i dun realli pai chi the work VERY MUCH jus dun like the work lohz ahhaa.... yeapzz... i am kan ga bcos of my IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION mahz haha..... dey teach me quite a lot of things... and i left jus like dat........ paisehz....... aniwae hope noone will recognise me hahaa..... i wanna be under disguise...... maybe i will make my face "black-black" wif charcoal to prevent anione frm noein who am i.... hiakz hiakz hiakz... smart hoh???? hahaha pengzzz....... by doing dat... i may attract more attention instead WAUHAHAHHAHAAA... aniwae.... haha i m lookin 4ward to it! BUT hopefully we are not seated at my section lohz!!!!!! or else i BIG PENGZ! okay i gonna be the customer of din tai fung 2molo..... hahahaa
Posted by g n i y n i x at 4/04/2004 12:01:00 上午 0 comments
2004年3月23日 星期二
I dun like office politics..... hu like it aniwae... it's definitely childish.... like some primary sch children "i friend you... i dun friend you" thingy.... real lame and meaningless.... i really feel sadz and angry bout it..... real angry.......... one of the permanent staff of my dpartment cried after wrk 2dae bcos she was condemn by some pple in my dpartment.... she's a rather nice person..... but some pple just bu shuang her.......... JUST bu shuang her lohz...... purposely leave her out durin lunchtime..... purposely ignore her..... haiz..... if i am her.... i will definitely feel really alone... but still haf to put on a brave front to go work...... and she's a PERMANENT staff loh... not like us temporary..... and... some pple just pretend to be friendly in front of a person..... but tok and tease when dat person is away....... kAoz... currently i m not involved in ani of these... and neither am i a victim of such thingy.... but even if i am a victim... i will heck care bout it.... cos i am a temporary staff mahz..... heng ah.... ANIWAE no matter how angry i am.... there's nuthin i can do bout it.... sadcase.... like wat loO say in her blog... haf to pretend nuthin is happening.... haf to try to maintain a gd relationship wif those pple we dun like..... pengz............................
Posted by g n i y n i x at 3/23/2004 10:52:00 下午 0 comments
2004年3月21日 星期日
yoz finalli bloggin le~ ^-^ it haf been a long time since my previous entry.. haha.. and the REASON is due to.... WORK~ woke up at 7.30am everyday... leave home at 8am.... take mrt.... walk to my wrkplace..... put my stuffs at my table... start work... 1pm lunchtime.... back to office slightly b4 2pm..... go toilet.... start work..... waitin for end of day.... 6+ pm.... end of day... pack up... leave office.... walk to the mrt station... take mrt... reach bedok... reach home.... bathe.... watch feng shen bang.... eat dinner.. watch xun qing ji.... feel tired while watchin news.... asleep..... blarblarblar.....
dats my current life siazz... everyday is STANDARD one.... ROUTINE life.... too routine... LUCKILY.. it's only for 3 MONTHS haha...
for those hu dunnoe... i am workin at Maybank... hire purphase dpartment.. located at lavender area... yeapz... my job scope?? archivin... retrievin files... yeapz.... so far not too bad lah... i am feelin neutral everyday~ to me neutral is gOod~ my dpartment head is quite a gd person... someone ez to talk to.. abit like mdm phua style haha.... aniwae the office is big.... the toilet is at the other end of the office... the spacious pantry rm is abit unneccesary haha... cos there's nuthin much inside except hot water... btw i brought a mug and 3-in-1 milo there~ gonna drink milo on monday~ haha...... O YA... wanna mention dat not everyone in the office is gd... yeapz.... i guess in EVERY office... there'll be the problem of OFFICE POLITICS.... heard quite a lot of talk-bhind-others-back cum minor "back-stabbin" thingy... saw some hypocritical pple.... BUT i dun haf comments bout it now..... my onli conclusion is... maybe dey do dat to protect themselves in this dog-eat-dog world... to ensure their own survival.... yucks... er xin... BUT hu noes, someday we may be like dat? BUT for now... i dun wanna be involve in this dog-eat-dog thingy at all..... think dat it realli SuX.....
so it's SUNDAY 2dae!!!! gonna slackz as much as possible for 2dae! hahaha.. woke up at 7am 2dae...... cos somehow... my biological clock is there... settin my wake up time at 7+.... haha... so here i am making use of my chance to blog... later gonna go watch doreamon cartoon at channel i~ O YA.. i 4got to mention dat there's a bowling alley at my office buildin.... so MOST PROB i will go there sumday to play during lunchtime or after work~ ahhahaha shuang ah~
o ya... i haven register for uni admission and private candidate thingy yet... so i'll be doin it later in the afternoon ba... haha... as for the lake odyssey... i will still go~ but most prob i will purchase the tix early april~ yupz~ will update bout dat soon~ AND most prob my nxt blog entry will be NXT SUNDAY... haha.... yeapzz ^-^
so... PPLE, ENJOY UR DAY!!!!!!!! CYA SOON!!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 3/21/2004 09:31:00 上午 0 comments
2004年3月10日 星期三
o ya pple~ lets go to the Chung Cheng 65 yrs old celebration performance-- "Lake Odyssey" at Esplanade theatre~ i am realli keen on going AND i will definitely go~!!! so pple GO WIF ME LAH..... haha.... and spread the words around~
two days to choose frm~ =)
either on 7 May (Fri) -- 8pm OR 8 May (Sat) -- 3pm
Prices: $36, $26, $16, $11 (including GST and $1 SISTIC fee per ticket)
i can make it for either of the days.... so it's up to u all~ =P interested in goin? if yesh, update me hoh~ i am very willing to volunteer in the purchasin of tickets... perhaps i can ask kW to buy the tickets for us bcos staff of the sch haf concessions... so they can purchase the $36 ticket at $21... yupz... i think so ba... BUT, WITH OR WITHOUT the concession... i am DEFINITELY going!! (enthu siazz... =P)
for more information, check out the sistic website. click on the event calendar --> May --> Lake Odyssey
gO lah.. gO lah... gO lah... (tryin to psycho... haha..)
Posted by g n i y n i x at 3/10/2004 03:32:00 下午 0 comments
yoz found a job at maybank.. my position will be 'temporary bank staff' (wat a position... haha) signed a 3-mths contract yeah... pay not realli gd.. same as din tai fung but this admin job is definitely better than waitress'in (can sit... more slack... more relax... less hectic++) yupzzz... start on mondae =P
then.... every now and then... i will still feel 'haiz' bout my results..... but i m gettin back on track le... so everything's alrite~
btw, find it realli farnie and AMUSED to see gladys and renhui at Recruit Express yesterdae hahaa... dat was so QIAO lohz~!!!!!!! wat a place to see each other lohz ahahaha~
okay lah endin here le~
Posted by g n i y n i x at 3/10/2004 01:28:00 下午 0 comments
2004年3月8日 星期一
yeapz... it's time to blog.... YUP i din do well for my A's~ and i may not make it to uni to study Chinese..... kinda sadz & lost of cos on DAT DAY... but i m feelin better now.... REALLY! life haf to go ONz ritez??? so.. wat will i be doin.... i will register to be a Private Candidate (saw tis yr A'Ls timetable.. it's definitely much better~) AND i will of cos reg for uni. why notz ritez??? haha~ so dun worry about me i will get over it sOon... just need a few more days to THINK for abit more~ i haf enuff yong qi to survive this whole thing~
went career exhibition... and i was kinda lost there oso... haiz... but aniwae i jus check out the 'stuffs' there & aimed for those nice nice postcards =) AND i got check out the S'pore Police Force booth.... but my height realli cannot make it.... sadz.... since primary sch yrs i haf wanted to be a CID deep in my heart.... but it's labelled as a "boy's ambition" mahz... so i nv say out to anione hahahahaa..... yeahz... aniwae... when i noe about the height requirements..... i gif up le..... although i haven totally gif up... haha contradictin siazz but i am sure u all noe wat i mean... but i haf to gif up lohz.. bcos... there's nuthin i can do 'bout my height.... sadcase hahaa...
i check out NUS... MOE.... NTU... booths oso... yupz.... haiz.... yeapz.... aniwae, i was pretty interested in the "tourism management institute of s'pore"...... for many of you hu dunnoe... i haf oso wanted to be a tourist guide REALLY!! i m considerin whether to take up part-time 'tourist guide course'.. and after dat.... i may go for the 'travel & tourism management diploma (part time) '... yupz... if i din make it to Uni this yr... i may proceed with this plan while studyin for my private A's... yeapz.... but i still wanna say that... my main main main dream is to be a Chinese reporter and journalist..... yupz.....
aniwae huang cheng cumin~ pretty xcited bout it... cos it's an annually event for me mah haha~ me watchin on 16 March~ shuwen gladys we three same day ritez??? wat bout kW??? then how much per ticket??? =P ahha update me hoh~ =P
o ya.. i wanna comment on one recent news about the secondary sch boy commiting suicide bcos his sch haf found out about his relationship wif a ger and haf called his parents...... he jumped off a building just like dat... just like dat... just bcos of a moment of panic... and he was gone........ just like dat...... my 1st thought was.... he's being foolish.... yeapz... okay maybe he was afraid of the punishment frm sch and parents.... but wat can dey do to him?? seriously... sch dun punish pple bcos of BGR.. at most.... it's detention..... and wat will his parents do? most prob.. gif him some scoldin... and tell him to leave the ger.... yeapz... and dat's it.... all these so-called "punishment" is definitely better than death ritez?? and he was gone..... just bcos he was panic at dat moment.... i noe i cannt really understand wat he's goin thru at dat moment.. but... yupz... he shld haf noe dat death is not the solution... when my mum and i saw his pic on the news..... we both think dat it's such a pity bcos he looked like a bright person.... someone who haf a bright future... but he was gone... hmm.... perhaps he's a mummy-boy who haf nv done anithing against his parents' wishes b4... dats y he's in great fear... if the same thing happen to those ah-bengs.. dey will most probably HECK CARE the sch and parents... and continue wif the relationship... hu cares aniwae.... so.. hu is wrong? the boy? his gf? his parents? the sch? the education system? Jian Ren Jian Zhi.... (i was more sadz for his parents.... the news got show his mum cryin very bitterly...... haiz... imagine.. receivin a fonecall tellin you dat ur son haf jump off the buildin?... sadcase.....)
CHeRISH OUR LIFE!!! every problem can be solved~!!! =P
Posted by g n i y n i x at 3/08/2004 02:31:00 下午 0 comments
2004年3月3日 星期三
yoz feelin gd now le... hahaa... yeapz... quite relax now~ =) just now went suntec wif lOo plannin to go for a job interview.. BUT we cannot find the HR department... cos it's kanna "hidden" sumwhere.. we cannot find the way up at all... and it's like the lifts cannot take us up to the level at all........ so we decide to try to look for stairs.. thinkin dat it's the most direct way.. yeapzz and we found the door to the staircase (on the door, were the words "emergency escape route" but i ignored it)~
we climbed up the stairs to the level 4 we wanna go.. and thru the door we saw the HR department OUR DESTINATION! BUT to our amazement... we found out dat the door was ONE-WAY!! as in, the door can be open frm the outside but not frm the inside!!!! peNgz...we went back to the 'original' level... but realized dat the door was ONE WAY oso~ haha! then lOo suggested going to level 1 cos there must be a TWO WAY door there mahz... indeed there was a 2-way door.. but i saw the words "Openin the door will trigger an ALARM" (i am GLAD dat i saw it.. imagine... an alarm in suntec.... perhaps me and lOo will tiO the headlines of the newspaper if dat happens........ hahaha.... popular overnight siaz... ) aniwae, we went back to level 4 and knocked on the door cos we saw pple waiting for interviews ... okAy... we caught their attention.... but the thing is... dat door was LOCKED..... (WAT AN EMERGENCY ESCAPE ROUTE LOH!!!!) pengz... WE ARE OFFICIALLY TRAPPED!!! TRAPPED!!! then decide to call someone for help... called vOn~ told her to cum and RESCUE us~ she's at aljunied and she promised to cum immediately (a fren in need is a fren indeed!!! =p) at dat time.. it was gettin kinda hot in there.. even hotter after our exercise (climbin up and down the stairs) i sat down.. glad to noe dat at least there's air... haha... then lOo suggests to tell vOn to take cab.. i was msging her when i heard e sound of door bein opened... i immediately climbed dwn... and saw a security guard openin the door for us~ REALI GLAD u noe... but feel abit paisehz... okay lah.. i feel paisehz to a LARGE EXTENT.. haha.... WE ARE OUT.... think there are 'surveillance camcorders' at e stairway.. they saw us lohz.... haha... so paisehzz...
aniwae after this experience... loO conclude dat security guards are useful~ hahaha... AND this was a GD xperience... bcos we wun do it again.... hahaahaha... O yA... and we din went for the interview... decide to 4get bout it~ hahaa.. after dat we go eat at fei cui restaurant... but kinda disapppointed by the food... think din tai fung is much much better loh!! haha (indeed i nv realise dat i m such a supporter of din tai fung until 2dae.....) aniwae wanna add dat my mood was GD after the trappin incident hahaa think dat it's amusing!!! damn funnY!!! after all... how many times will u be trap like this in ur whole life?!! tis incident really brighten me up!! it's definitely better than goin for a boring BORING boring interview.... =P
so pple, haf a gd sleep 2nitez and wake up happily!! enjoy and haf a gd day 2molo since it's the oni day left b4 the 'friday'... yeapzz... one thing gd bout friday is dat... no matter wat happens... at least we noe wat we'll be doing after dat... yupz!! =P
Posted by g n i y n i x at 3/03/2004 11:46:00 下午 0 comments
yeapz.. confirm friday le... hmm.. yupz... not much comments.. cos there isn't the need for ani comments... yeahz... yupz... kinda down now... bcos i realli feel dat my life will change drastically after fridae no matter what happens... i noe we shld welcome change... BUT dats not the pt............
most probably... i wun do well... i noe it... i dun care bout how mani A's or B's i will get... i oni hope dat i can meet the minimun requirements for uni.... yupzz... sadcase lohz.... wat if i dun get in?? retake or what??? i realli very pissed by all the many many thoughts in my 'messy' mind... sighz.... realli hate the feelin of "i dunnoe wat will happen to me".... yeapz.... and i must say dat i m not pessimistic... i m being realistic...
aniwae if anything happen... leave me alone for two days ba... i need to sort out my thinkings 1st.. and dun realli need to overly console me... but i do need some consolation haha.. yeapz... (okay i sound as if i m preparin for my "after-'death' matters")
Posted by g n i y n i x at 3/03/2004 02:05:00 下午 0 comments
2004年3月2日 星期二
yeahz manz... nv announce yesterdae... nv announce 2dae.. so 99% is tomolo le... yeapz... so most probably on fri ba.... yeapz...
Posted by g n i y n i x at 3/02/2004 09:20:00 下午 0 comments
2004年2月29日 星期日
gd morning pple.... not a 'gd' mornin for me... mood quite weirdz... yeapz... haiz...
i really dun like the weather 2dae.. too sunny... dizzy...
suan le... 4get bout' my mood....
yesterdae *從“空中”聽到某位DJ問聽眾這個問題 -- “最想聽到你們的另一伴對你們說些什麼話呢﹖” 很多人 CALL-IN 回答 -- “我會永遠愛你”﹐ “你是我的唯一”﹐ “你在我心目中最美” (blar.. blar... blar...)* yeapz... then i dun feel satisfied at all by their answers haha... yeapzz... aniwae if it's me... my answer will be -- “放心﹐我會保護你的。。。” & “全部交給我﹐我幫你解決。。。” yupz something like dat haha... wat bout' u all yeahz? =P
yeAhz.. enJoY ur day~
Posted by g n i y n i x at 2/29/2004 11:39:00 上午 0 comments
2004年2月28日 星期六
yeahz manz! it's friday nitez and here i am bloggin~ =P
yupz~ i haf bought a 2nd-hand guitar~ it's in good condition~ then i haf dcided to take up guitar course le~ yeahzz will update again... then 2molo is the RP gatherin~ meetin at 1pm at east coast.. will be goin to a cafe there to eat and drink hahaa.... think it's the SoMmerOck cafe lohz.. =) b4 dat, meetin lOo & PR to cycle 1st~! hOpe dat it'll be a cOolz breezy day!!! =P aniwae... haf to really really really admit dat i m disappointed by the fact dat we cannt go to the "ling ji yi dong" show.. i like 'nai ge' lohz.. hahaa... but wat to do.... haiz.... y must it crash with the RP gathering~ haha sadcase~
yupz... 2dae met up wif shuwen at bedok to eat ban mian.. yummy... despite the fact dat it's salty haha... then we were tokin n tokin.. until our conversation naturally leads to e A's.......... not dat we purposely wanna discuss about it of cos... then she told me dat nxt wed may be "the day" based on the rumours aka 'inside news'.. i was stunned bcos i haf xpect it to be friday... yupz... sadz... sighz... but cum to think of it... sooner or later we'll noe... it's just a matter of whether we r 'mentally prepared'...... aniwae we felt quite gd after tokin cos we haf a more optimistic view of A's (not dat we r more confident bout' our results BUT we are more optimistic about life after doin badly in A's.. haha sad case in a way...) A's sUx... dats all i wanna say......
BUT.... life goes on... no matter wat... =)
Posted by g n i y n i x at 2/28/2004 12:45:00 上午 0 comments
2004年2月23日 星期一
P.S. (2月18日﹐我和佩頤﹐如音﹐結伴回母校)
*wrote this 'entry' a few days ago... BUT haf to solve some 'encodin' problems.. resultin in the 'lag' heehe =P*
Posted by g n i y n i x at 2/23/2004 12:39:00 下午 0 comments
2004年2月17日 星期二
**回憶裡的他** -- 張小嫻
有時候﹐ 我們愛著的﹐
初遇時﹐他的微笑﹐ 他往日的深情、 承諾和傻勁﹐
今天的感情已經比不上 從前﹐
但是我們愛著戀著往日的他﹐ 捨不得離開。
與他 同住的女朋友每天在他面前翻看他以
前寫給她的情信。 她很平靜地看那些信﹐
他曾經對她這麼好﹐ 他曾經給她一頁一頁的深情﹐
是哀悼逝去的感情。 她愛回憶 裡的他更多。
他愛著的 ﹐何嘗不是回憶裡的她﹖
在那美麗的回憶裡﹐ 他頭上是有耀目光環的﹐
她脖子上也有 美麗的花環﹐ 年深日久﹐
彼此對自己深深愛著的人﹐ 有愈來
愈多的期望和要求﹐ 也有愈來愈多的不滿。
光環和花環漸漸 變成緊箍罩﹐
在一次又一次的失望之中﹐ 大家只能回到久遠
我們留戀的是回憶裡的人﹐ 即使那個人已經改變了。
**避 雨 的 愛 情**-- 張小嫻
好 的 愛 情 和 壞 的 愛 情 是 很 容 易 分 別 出 來 的.
好 的 愛 情 使 你 的 世 界 變 得 廣 闊, 如 同 在 一 片
一 望 無 際 的 草 原 上 漫 步 。 壞 的 愛 情 使 你 的 世 界
愈 來 愈 狹 窄, 最 後 只 剩 下 屋 簷 下 一 片 可 以 避 雨
的 方 寸 地.
好 的 愛 情 是 你 透 過 一 個 人 看 到 世 界, 壞 的 愛
情 是 你 為 了一 個 人 捨 棄 世 界 。
好 的 愛 情, 最 狹 窄 的 時 刻 也 不 過 是 大 家 在 床
上 的 時 候,是 最 擠 逼 的 了。 壞 的 愛 情, 最 廣 闊 的
時 候 也 只 是 上 床的時 候, 那 已 經 是 最 大 的 空 間,
人 於 是 變 得 愈 來 愈 狹 隘,愛 得 死 去 活 來, 也 無 非
是 井 底 之 蛙.
好 的 愛 情 是 能 夠 令 本 來 沒 有 理 想 沒 有 大 志 的
你,變 得 有 理 想 和 大 志 ;本 來 偏 激 的 你 變 得 包
容; 本 來 驕 傲 的 你 變 得 謙 遜; 本 來 自 私 的 你 變
得 肯 為 人 設 想; 本 來 沒 有 安 全 感 的 你, 變 得 不
再 懼 怕。 壞 的 愛 情 與 這 一 切 全 然 相 反,你 唯 一 可
見 的 將 來 就 是 愛 情, 沒 有 別 的 可 戀.
好 的 愛 情 讓 你 時 刻 反 省 自 己 付 出 的 夠 不 夠
多, 使 你 妒 忌的 時 候 心 存 愧 疚, 使 你 不 害 怕 老
去, 因 為 即 使 年 華 老 去, 你 也 不 會 失 去 對 方.
你 不 會 擔 心 十 年 後, 你 們 的 步 伐不 一 致, 因 為 你
們 攜 手 漫 步 在 草 原 上, 而 不 是 在 屋 簷 下 避 雨,
當 雨 停 了, 也 就 沒 必 要 再 相 依 下 去.
Posted by g n i y n i x at 2/17/2004 11:39:00 下午 0 comments
2004年2月14日 星期六
yOz PPLE~ i shld haf quite alot of stuffs to update 'bout since the last entry... BUT i dun feel like updating leh.... heeheee... yeapz.... IT'S VALENTINE DAY! but to me, it's jus another normal day lah~ yeApz~
fOr those with a valentine, enJoY Ur DaY with yOur oTher hAlf!!! -smiLez-
aNd hApPy FrIeNdshIp dAy to mY deaResT freNs!!!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 2/14/2004 09:43:00 下午 0 comments
2004年2月7日 星期六
作詞:阿信 作曲:阿信 編曲:五月天
經過了漫長的等候 夢想是夢想 我還是一個我
那時間忘記挽留 最美時候 不經意匆匆的放過
曾經想擁抱的彩虹 盛開的花朵 那純真的笑容
突然有風吹過 那一轉眼 只剩我
我不懂 人世間的那些愁 他為什麼要纏著我
到底這會是誰的錯 還是我不放手
喔 人世間的那些愁 這世界給我的幽默
這是不是要告訴我 潮起終究潮落
總要有人來陪我 嚥下苦果
喔 再嚐一點美夢 要等你先開口 那冬天才會走
有些人經過我身旁 住在我腦中 在我心裡鑽洞
有些人變成相片 堆在角落 灰塵像雪一般冰凍
時間如果可以倒流 我想我還是
會卯起來蹉跎 反正就這樣吧
我知道我 努力過
我想到 遙遠遙遠的以後
會不會有人知道我 在這個寂寞的星球 曾這樣的活過
喔 遙遠遙遠的以後 天長和地久的盡頭
應該沒有人能搶走 我永遠的感動
總要有一首我的歌 大聲唱過
喔 再看天地遼闊 活著不多不少 幸福剛好夠用
活著其實很好 再吃一顆蘋果
yoz yoz yoz bloggin again bcos there's nuthin else to do mahz~ realli nuthin much happening in my life... sumtimes i feel rather xing fu to be able to slack at home and do the stuffs i like... but sumtimes i feel meaningless... BUT my current mood now is.................... HAPPY! haha yeAhz~ =)
2molo going gLadys house to play mahjong~!!!! hahaha haPpy siazz... my hands itch for mahjong... aniwae it's like me kw sw VS the Huan sisters~ ahahahaaaa hOpe i dun lose much hahaa... *1st time i play with money* ^-^
aniwae i m quite sleepy now... yesterdae slept at 4plus... tryin to finish a thick but interestin english novel (WOW!) haha... so think i'll sleep earlier 2nitez~
okAy lah dats bout it~ really nuthin much to update bout hahahaa =)
aLl of yOu, taKe cArez!!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 2/07/2004 10:26:00 下午 0 comments
2004年2月3日 星期二
yoz~ haha nuthin to do... so here i m bloggin~
yeapz went to a charity funfair at toa payoh area 2dae wif my mum my aunt and my little brother... haha.. quite fun lah... but not much comments bout it =) then went walk ard toa payoh area lohz yeapzz~ btw i cannot find the gloomy bearS... i think i noe which is the shop... but no gloomy bears le... sighz... I WANT MY WHITE GLOOMY BEAR!!!
then just now got watch Xi Jie... heehee... realli hope dat shen yinhe and xing wang can get 2gether soon~ (i think nxt episode =p)
so.. wat will i be doin tomolo? think i gonna wake up early to RUN~ YES RUN!!! long time no xercise le!!! think i need it!!!! but USUALLY i nv manage to wake up..... i will tend to give up my running plan the moment my alarm clock 'rings'.. i will stop the 'ring' and continue my sleep... ahha.. dats me lah.. =P aniwae... think i gonna start readin a library bk written by lu xun (WOW) haha.... then after dat if i got ling gan i hope to write some stuffs... yeapz.. then ard evenin i gonna meet up wif lOo pR they all to watch the mo huan chu fang yeahzz =) haha
btw i really feel like goin ice skating soon.. anyoNe OnZz?????? hahaaa.... really feel like lohz... sekali i haf to wait long long b4 i can go... (jus like my kite-flyin plan....) hahahaaa u all ah........... so tao yanzz!!!!! hahahaa =p
=P =P =P =P =P =P =P
Posted by g n i y n i x at 2/03/2004 01:18:00 上午 0 comments
2004年1月30日 星期五
yOz... my test results... hahahaa seriously i dun think it's very accurate... bcos i dun think i m too naive leh~ hahaaa... peNgzz...
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.
What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
Dark shadow. Something has drawn you into darkness
in the past, and you're now trying to get out
of it. The darkness is already inside you, and
getting it out will be hard, but if you try,
maybe one day you can be who you want to be
again. Don't give in!!!
What kind of dark person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/30/2004 10:51:00 下午 0 comments
2004年1月29日 星期四
haha i OSO nuthin to do.. so went to do all these stuffs.... haha... not badz lah quite fun in a way... haha
Who are you among the F4 guys??
brought to you by Quizilla
Rain: You are the sound of rain. You have two
important sides. There is your strong, powerful
side and your calm, gentle side. Both are very
important. Rain also reflects a bit of darkness
in your personality. It isn't bad, just shows
that along with the good, you also can see bad,
which can come in handy.
What Sound Are You?(now w/ pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )
brought to you by Quizilla
You are satisfied. Right now you aren't heading
anywhere and you like it. You have all you need
and if you ever want more, you'll get it on
your own. You are a great person, with a good
heart. You are headed to great places, where
you will teach others a great deal. Remember
who you truly are and don't let anyone
underestimate you. Have a nice life, you
deserve it.
Where are you going in life?
brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/29/2004 05:20:00 下午 0 comments
2004年1月27日 星期二
yeahz think i shld mention tis in my blog~ haha i quitted my job le~!!!! yupz... but not happy and not sadz ah... NEUTRAL reall neutral~ =)
yupZ so once again i am FRICTIONALLY UNEMPLOYED hahaaa... will soon begin my job huntin~ yupz SOON~ or i may wait till loO quit the job ah hahahaa
yupz then think i will miss the pple there to a certain xtent... they are really wonderful international colleagues... haha yeapzz international frm hongkong.. china... taiwan... m'sia.. and s'pore lah.... ahhaa... even the customers are international... frm japan... korea... european countries... saw some mediacorp not very popular stars.. a pretty gd workin xperience although i dun really like the job hahaa... realli haf fun joking ard durin wrk wif my section colleagues... the chefs.. they are realli humorous fun and abit 'horny' =).. it's like a big family lohz... as long as u are wearin the uniform they'll treat u as part of them... and i enjoy slackin such as goin to the water cooler and on my way back to my section i will drop by lOo's section to chat A WHILE wif her~
the most farnie memory of my job is when a chef ask me if i wanna eat "菜肉包" then i say no out of courtesy lah.. haha then he say my decision of not eatin is gd.. bcos he eat until very fat le... fat till cannot find the size of his briefs... haha peNgz... then my male colleague hu is bside me say he "誇張"... then the chef left lah.. i was preparing the 餐具 to be arrange on the table when i am tokin to the chef... then i realise dat my dat male colleague was oso preparin the 餐具 so i ask him "你要排幾號的" (i meant the table numbers lah)... THEN i think he listen wrongly loh! i think he heard sumthing like dat ---> "你腰幾號" SO he answered me "二十八。。二十九" hahaa... i stone for a moment.... (there's no table 28 or 29 in my section!!) ahahaa... so i talk back and say "我哪裡有問你這個﹗哈哈哈哈﹗我問你你要排什麼號碼的桌子啦﹗哈哈哈哈﹗" then we both walk away feelin amused and penGy! when we met again after a few sec.. i say he 變態 lohz hahaaa then he say dat it's my problem lohz suddenly change topic siazz (frm the chef's briefs thingy) hahahaaa then i pengz le and gif him the he's 變態狂 look hahahaa... aniwae dat day was the day b4 new yr chu xi.. so when i ended wrk at 5pm i shake hand wif everyone~ wishin them happy new yr! when i shake the male colleague hand... he squeeze my hand so hard dat it hurts lohz!!!!! hahahaa i find it farni and bu shuang hahaa then when i m packin my bag he "offered" to shake my hand again... i HESITATED for a while and i shake his hand with the greatest force while he oso did dat... we used so much energy dat our face was red lohz! then when i m on my way out... he approached me again.. said happy new yr.. and take out his hand again... haha this time i zAo away frm him asap ahhahaaa cos my hand really pain lohz~ YUPZZZ so dat was one of the fun day~ gossipin... matchmakin... suanin... lamin took place everyday at dat place ahahaaa... it was fun.. if not for the wrk dat i dun like... i think i will stay till june.. yeapzz... and i think i will get a 'thank you" card for my 老大 hus is currently in taiwan~ =P
then think i will avoid goin there for a period of time... cos i feel paisehz goin back there.. hahaa... cos i still feel weird quttin my job just like dat after they haf spend ther saliva to teach me stuffs... yeapzz... hahaa... WOW this is a long entry... think i'll stop now le~
taKe caRe Pple!!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/27/2004 03:53:00 上午 0 comments
2004年1月23日 星期五
haha.. actually i dun really feel like writin bout my 1st day of chineSe nEw yR... cOs like realli nuthin much to write about.. but since PR got write.. ahha.. i oso write abit to update u all bout my new yr day...
hmm AS USUAL i went to 2 houses.. one at kallang^father-side (in the afternoon) and one at hougang^mother-side (early evening).. basically not very happpening... it's just the usual stuffs.. all the mandarin oranges... all the auspicious words.. all the hongbaos... ++ but sumhow me not realli xcited bout everything... no festival mood lohz... no matter how hard i tried to make myself haf the mood... hahaa.. but can't be help lah... since like dunnoe how many yrs ago... the chinese new yr mood is gettin lesser and lesser le... childhood rOx lohz cos frm wat i can remember i USED to be REALLI VERY XTREMELY Xcited when it's chinese new yr... yeapz....
so... it's just another normal day for me.... BUT i realli enjoy being wif my mother-side relatives~ hahaa FUN to be wif all my biao geS, biAo meIs, bIaO JieS... AS USUAL we played sparkles 2gether... run ard wif the sparkles.. throwin the sparkles high up in the air to create the fireworks effect... very nice.... haf chit-chat 'sessions'... tok crApzz... joke... suanin my biaoGe 2gether wif my biaO mei... listen to my biao mei play keyboard and sing along wif the music.. hahaa... so yesterdae was quite a gd day for me lah although i dun haf the new yr mood hahaa...
OKAY! so today is the 2nd day of new yr~ haha.. me not sure bout the plans later but see hOw lah~ then 2molo is SAT.... it sUx... haha... think there wun be much difference regardin the scores.... hahaaa... sekali even worse ah.... pEnGz... hahaa... yeapzz....
XIN NIAN KUAI LE pPle~ and hope dat this will be a realli fruitful yr for all of uS~ everything Shun Shun Li Li... and everyday tIan tIan Kai xin~ ^-^ besT wIshes!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/23/2004 11:38:00 上午 0 comments
2004年1月20日 星期二
(yeah~ this article is written by mayday's aShin~ haha...)
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/20/2004 09:29:00 上午 0 comments
2004年1月18日 星期日
說出這句話時﹐心中只能用一個“爽”字來形容﹐而且是“很爽”那種﹗ 哈哈。。。
(其實﹐我也不知道自己在爽什麼啦。。。 哈哈。。。)
^ 突然有感而發的欣盈 ^
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/18/2004 03:02:00 上午 0 comments
2004年1月17日 星期六
yeahzz... 2dae gonna start work at 2pm~ then PPLE I HAF DECIDED ALREADY! my brain and my mind have finally reach a conclusion.. dat is... i gonna work till nxt tues and dats it~ yeapz... hee... gonna be abit paisehzz to leave after a wk+ and they MAY MAY MAY be some 閑言閑語.. but heck lah~ hehee... yupz then lOo will work for a longer period~ =P
haha... but so far i haf no idea wat job i'll be doin after i quit.... hahaa.... but slowly slowly lah.. 我不急著用錢嘛~ hahaa.... AND THIS TIME.... anything but WAITRESS~ hahaha.... yeapzzz....
haha i feel MUCH MUCH MUCH better after i haf decided~ yeapzz~ =P my conclusion is:
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/17/2004 12:10:00 下午 0 comments
2004年1月16日 星期五
yoz PPLE! i zao work 2dae... haha... work oso can zao siaz... i was plannin to go wrk tis morning... but SUDDENLY got the 'dun feel like goin' feelin.. so i called the person in charge and told them dat i was sick... "SICK" yeahz? =P
i am in a rather gd mood now.. haha... finalli can take a rest frm the hectic environment.. ACTUALLY things are really gettin better and better.. i learn some new stuffs everyday.. learn about the ingredients in each "food".. learn how to recommend them to the customers.. learn how to use their computer system which is sumhow amazin to me.. learn how to clear the tables in the shortest possible time.. haha.. yeapz.. SO things are realli gettin better although sumtimes i do kanna nag by my section-head... hahaha... (p.s. aniwae, one of the bosses of my wrkplace is the breadtalk boss.. he always come to my section to spot-check ahha... his hair alwaes very messy...)
the main reason for zao'in wrk 2dae is bcos i have to sort things out.. i am 'thinkin' & 'thinkin' everyday since the 1st day i started work... but there's nv ani conclusion.. haha... mainly bcos i am tiredz everyday after wrk.. not in a clear state of mind to think.. SO, 2dae is the day~
yeapz... so, back to the "things are gettin better" part... the question is.. am i happy in doin wat i am doing now? my final answer is "No!" lohz... yupz..
enJoy uR day!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/16/2004 04:24:00 下午 0 comments
2004年1月15日 星期四
yoz gd mornin.. my 3rd day of wrk yesterdae and my 4th day of wrk 2dae.. yesterdae was like this like dat loh... got alot of things to remember... not much comments bout yesterdae... haha now eatin bread for breakfast... then go bathe.... then go change.. then set off for wrk lohz... yupz... abit sianz lah....
ok lah... dat's bout it... maybe i will update again 2nitez... but MoSt prObabLy... i wun update cos i definitely gonna be real tiredz.. haha... take caRez pPle~
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/15/2004 08:56:00 上午 0 comments
2004年1月13日 星期二
yoz it's my 2nd day of wrk... haha 2dae off work quite early bcos they got staff dinner at nitez... and of cOs this is none of my business bcos i am a part-time (heng ah... luckily i m a part time..) i must admit dat “身為下賤” is a rather serious word to use hahaa... but i really got abit of dat kind of feeling... okay i gonna change my term.. i feel dat my “地位比別人低很多” and my ego cannot take it lohz... BUT wat to do ritez?? penGz
BUT 2dae is definitely better than yesterdae.. yesterdae i was totally gReEnHoRn.. very stun and bLurZ about everything... 2dae slighty better.. learn to be a little bit more PRo and alert.. but i kanna nag by my section head for doing the procedures of things wrongly.. SERIOUSLY i hate sayin “對不起” “不好意思” “謝謝” so many times a day lohz!!!! AND i hate to act demure lohz heY maNz﹗﹗﹗﹗ i'm not those “姑娘姑娘”的人 lohz.. penGz... haha... BUT WAT TO DO ritez....
2dae me and lOo discussin SERIOUSLY about how long we gonna work at this place..... we told the interviewer dat we can work up to 5 - 6mths BUT we dun feel like workin dat long liaoz... NIGHTMARE.... i feel like zao'in as soon as possible... hahaa.. really... lOo sets a 4-mth target.. but i SERIOUSLY think 4 mths quite long lehz... haha... 3 mths seem quite long to me oso.. 2 mths? haha... i duNnOe... i feel paisehz to leave so soon bcos the staffs there spend a lot of saliva to teach me lohz... but i cannot imagine myself doin this waitress job everyday... 自己的幸福比較重要嘛。。。 see hOw lah... (i dun mind being 抄魷魚 by them hahaaa... REALLY!!)
lOo says kinokuniya called her for an interview as a cashier.... BUT she rejected the job.... i feel quite sadz bout it... cOs kinokuniya haf a higher pay lohz... and the workin environment is less hectic DEFINITELY and the work pace is more comfortable lohz..... haiz....
life goes on for me ... 2molo gonna be my 3rd day of work.... hOpe everything Shun Shun Li Li lohz... yupz.. now tiredz... but dun haf those kind of 怕怕的感覺了。。。ya.. then i will listen to hUi's advice to apply lotion onto my 破皮的腳 thanKs for the advice!!! hahaa... okay lah i go slackz le... must enjoy 大小姐的生活while i am at hm wauahahahaa.... nitez pPle!
*PR, wish u SHUN SHUN LI LI 2molo at ur petrol kiosk! JIA YOU!*
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/13/2004 09:37:00 下午 0 comments
2004年1月12日 星期一
yoz... 2dae my first day of wrk.. wrk for 6hrs.. me and lOo workin in different 'sections' so it's still like as if i am not workin 2gether wif her.. yeapz... seriously i am very tiredz now... was stun and blurz for the whole day... then my leg 破皮.. 沖涼很痛... haha i sound quite 悲 ritez?? yeapz i am 悲... think i am not use to my life yet... new environment... new faces... new tasks... SERIOUSLY i haf nv serve anione b4... and i nv realli like to serve pple (haha.. i dun mind servin my family and friends.. but STRANGERS?)..... but I AM ACTUALLY WORKIN AS A WAITRESS WHOSE JOB IS TO SERVE... penGz... and CUM ON lohz the restaurant all day long got many many customers!!! haha... then i got the "身為下賤“ feeling... yeeapzz.. cos u alwaes haf to put the customers in top priority then u haf to put urself in last priority loh.... i was clearin the table when suddenly this thought came to my mind ---> "我也是父母生的嘛。。。" then not really lookin forward to 2molo cos it's gonna be a really super bz day... my colleagues are rather nice and humorous pple.. but it's jus the job dat turn me off and 對於 my work place and the work pace 我有怕怕的感覺。。 scared of breakin bowls.. scared of offendin customers... scared of bein too slow.. scared of doin things in the wrong way.... yupz quite stress... BUT think the main reason for all is dat 我還不習慣﹗﹗﹗think lOo feelin better than me definitely yeapzzz... dunnoe lah see how everything wrks... i gif myself a mth to adapt.. if things dun get better then i'll do wat my brain and heart tell me to do... yeapzz tAke cAre PpLe!
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/12/2004 10:38:00 下午 0 comments
2004年1月11日 星期日
yOz a peaceful day for me! =) went job-hunt wif lOo yesterdae.. then we managed to find a job.. haha... gonna work as a WAITRESS at a chinese restaurant at orchard paragon.. think dat it shld be hard work ba... cos haf to stand for LONG hrs.. BUT no harm tryin it out first~ haha hope everything *shun shun li li* for me =P (hOpe i dun break anithing... cos i m a clumsy person... haha =P)
so... here i am slackin as much as possible cos it's my last day to be FREE -sighZ- haha GONNA start wrk 2molo le... BUT hu noes??? maybe i will be FIRED sOoN due to breakin too much stuffs wauhahahahaaa (am i dat lousy??!?? =P)
seriously i am quite sadz by the fact dat i gonna haf less freetime... less time spend wif family & frens... haha BUT WAT TO DO? haha
okay lah.. think i gonna end here le~ ONCE AGAIN wish me *shun shun li li* pPle!!! hahaaa
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/11/2004 06:06:00 下午 0 comments
2004年1月9日 星期五
tOdAy is tHe dAy maNzz! =P
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/09/2004 01:13:00 上午 0 comments
2004年1月6日 星期二
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/06/2004 10:37:00 上午 0 comments
2004年1月2日 星期五
this time.... i am REALLY back!! finally my com is well after a long long time....
so... it's a BRAND NEW YEAR... yeapz... not much feelings bout it... jus feel dat it's time to grow up...... it's time to improve myself....
took bus 2dae.. was shocked to realise dat it's no longer student fare for me.... i was rather sad by this... haiz pple mus remember to tap ur card when u get off the bus hoh....
think i will end here.... i was kinda blue 2dae... not much mood to blog.......
Posted by g n i y n i x at 1/02/2004 11:42:00 下午 0 comments